News & Events
Mill Valley Election | Nov 5
Vote NO on Measure L | Vote NO on Prop 5
Planning Commission Meeting | Nov 28, 2023 | 6.30pm | City Hall
Planning Commission will review Mill Valley’s EIR.
Oceanic Global + Marin County Parks : Bothin Marsh Preserve area clean up | Nov 12, 1-3pm
Oceanic Global, an ocean conservation nonprofit, will host a volunteer litter sweep event on November 12th in the Bothin Marsh Preserve area. If you would like to join in cleaning and preserving the marsh, multi-use path, and the surrounding park areas (including Hauke Park and Bayfront Meadows). please rsvp via
Mill Valley Community Chat | Nov 2, 2023 | 5.30pm | City Hall or via Zoom
An opportunity to chat with Mayor Urban Carmel, Councilmember Stephen Burke, and City Manager Todd Cusimano, at City Hall, live or via Zoom. This is a chance to express your opinion about One Hamilton, the PGE twin towers, the removal of trees from the PGE substation or any other subject that affects our neighborhood. Attending in person is more effective, but if you can’t, then please use the zoom link above.
FOHP Potluck | Oct 20, 2023 | 5pm | Hauke Park Picnic Tables
Bring a neighbor or two, and some nibbles to share. We'll share the latest news and answer questions. We hope to see everyone!
City Council Meeting | Oct 16, 2023 | 5.30pm | City Hall
Item 3. Consideration of a Resolution Amending the 2023-2031 Housing Element Update, Land Use Element, and Land Use Map of the Mill Valley 2040 General Plan and Making a Finding under CEQA that the General Plan Revisions Do Not Require Any Additional Analysis and the Impacts of the Revised Housing Element and Land Use Element are Fully Addressed in the Housing Element Final Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (State Clearinghouse No. 2013052005).
Recommended Action: Receive the report and presentation, conduct the Public Hearing, and adopt Resolution No. 23-___.
Planning Commission Meeting | May 23, 2023 | 6.30pm | City Hall
The purpose of this Study Session to seek further direction on items discussed at the May 23, 2023 meeting, including but not limited to roof form and height, the northern corner of the proposed building and exterior color. No formal action will be taken at the meeting. Input received will be utilized to assemble an updated set of application materials for further evaluation as part of the development review process. Send comments in advance to
Planning Commission Meeting | May 23, 2023 | 6.30pm | City Hall
This is your chance to voice your reaction to the Hamilton compound, as pictured in the City’s rendering above. Please attend if you can, and send comments in advance to
Story Poles Viewing | May 18-24, 2023
Story poles may be viewed from May 18 through May 24, 2023 to provide a visual representation of the proposed building envelope and to provide context prior to the study session hearing.
City Council Meeting | May 15, 2023 | 5.30pm | City Hall
The City plans to approve its Housing Element Update at this meeting. With this vote, the City will also rezone Hamilton from Open Area to Multi-Family Residential and push through a corresponding land use amendment. This is being done without the benefit of a project-specific EIR, as promised. Please attend if you can, and send comments in advance to
STAR PARTY! 🌠March 1, 2023 | 6-8pm | Hauke Park South
Join the Mill Valley Public Library and Marin Stargazers for a night of stargazing in Hauke Park South! Come test out the library's brand new Orion Starblast 4.5 inch reflector telescope along with some telescopes provided by Marin Stargazers volunteers. On March 1st, 2023, Venus and Jupiter will both be visible next to each other in the western sky in an astronomical event known as a conjunction. Weather permitting, we'll aim the telescopes at the conjunction as well as the moon and some other interesting starry sights.Feel free to park by the public restrooms at 1 Hamilton Drive, next to the police station. The telescopes will be set up in Hauke Park South, a few steps from the parking lot. All ages are welcome at our star party. Make sure to dress warm!Following the star party, the library's new telescope will be added to the collection, so stargazers can check out a telescope from the library and explore the night sky from anywhere.
Planning Commission Meeting to Discuss the Housing Element and DSEIR | February 28, 2023 | 6.30pm | City Hall (in person) or watch online
The Planning Commission will host a public hearing to collect comments on the Draft Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (DSEIR), which evaluates the potential environmental impacts of implementing the goals, policies and programs contained in the Draft Housing Element. The DSEIR is available for public comment and review through March 3, 2023.The Planning Commission will also consider a resolution recommending that City Council certify the SEIR prepared for the Project and adopt the 2023-2031 Housing Element Update and related General Plan Amendments, including changes to the Land Use Element and Land Use Map which are required to implement Housing Element. The revised Draft Housing Element and the DSEIR are available to download on the project website. Additional supporting materials, such as the staff report, will also be posted to the project website prior to the meeting. Submit written comments to Senior Planner, Danielle Staude:
1 Hamilton Environmental Scoping Meeting NEW DATE! | January 12, 2023 | 6.30pm | Mill Valley City Hall, 26 Corte Madera Avenue, Mill Valley
A scoping meeting will be held to provide the opportunity for public comments and questions regarding the proposed project description and scope of the environmental review, as required under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Check City website for Notice of Preparation (yet to be posted at time of publishing).
Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting to Discuss Housing at 1 Hamilton and the Housing Element | November 30, 2022 | 6:30pm | Community Center, 180 Camino Alto, Mill Valley, CA
The agenda includes project updates and a discussion of next steps for building approximately 40-50 affordable rental housing units at 1 Hamilton Drive and responding to responding to the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) comments on the Draft Housing Element. City Staff anticipates receiving comments from HCD by November 21, 2022. The meeting will not be live-streamed due to the venue. Written comments may be submitted to Danielle Staude prior to the meeting via email at via postal mail at 26 Corte Madera Avenue, Mill Valley, CA 94941
Joint City Council/Planning Commission MeetingNovember 2, 2022 | 6:30pm | Mill Valley Community Center, 180 Camino Alto
City staff will present preliminary site planning and conceptual design options discussed at the October 13, 2022 Community Open House. At this meeting, City Council and Planning Commission will have the opportunity to discuss the conceptual designs and determine if there are feasible housing opportunities that should be fully evaluated, including environmental review.
City Council MeetingSeptember 19, 2022 | 6.30pm | City Hall
Agenda Item 6: The City Council will review Preliminary Site Planning Work conducted to date and approve the recommended approaches. Supporting Materials
City Council Meeting August 1, 2022 | 6:30 pm
Mill Valley City Council will discuss the draft Housing Element, including public comments and next steps in finalizing the initial draft to send to HCD for their initial review. The meeting will be held in person at Mill Valley City Hall, 26 Corte Madera Avenue, Mill Valley. You can also watch the meeting remotely online (LINK).
Hamilton Project Community Open House | May 3, 2022 | 6:30pm | Mill Valley Community Center, Cascade Room
Open house to gather input on preliminary design features, massing and site planning work, including relocation of public parking and restrooms currently located on site. We ask that all concerned neighbors to please make a strong showing. Please be prepared to come to this meeting and continue to focus on issues like site selection, development height and density. Register to attend.
Parks and Rec Commission Meeting | May 4, 2002 | 6.30pm | City Hall - Council Chambers
Write to and/or attend this meeting to share your views (during Public Open Time) with the new members of the commission on the Hamilton Project.Enchanted Knolls NRG Meeting May 10, 2022 | 6pm Hauke Park This informal meeting with Fire Chief Welch will help Enchanted Knolls residents understand what a NRG looks like, why it's important, share ideas and resources, and be better prepared for the next disaster. All Enchanted Knolls residents welcome!
Housing Advisory Committee Meeting | May 17, 2022 | 6pm | Online
This meeting will focus on reviewing housing programs of interest from the community and further discussing those Housing programs that should be included as part of the Housing Element Update. Register to attend.
Mill Valley Public Library Pop Up Storytime for Kids @ Hauke Park | Fridays 4/29, 5/13, 5/27 | 10:15am (Weather permitting)
Storytime is coming to the park! Join Mill Valley Librarians on Fridays at 10:15am for Pop-Up Storytime. This high-energy, early literacy storytime is just right for toddlers and their caregivers. Together we’ll read books, sing songs, and have so much fun!
Enchanted Knolls only - EAH | April 11, 6.30pm | MV Community Center Cascade Room
Eucalyptus Knolls HOA only - EAH | April 13, 6pm | pool area
FOHP Social - All Friends Welcome! |April 22, 5pm | Hauke Park
EAH Community Outreach: 1 Hamilton | Thursday, March 10, 2022 | 6.30pm
Information Gathering Meeting. Register at
Community Catalysts for Local Control | Thursday, February 10, 2022 5:00 - 6:30 PM | Zoom
Meeting to discuss Marin's unrealistic housing mandates. Registration required. More info @
Mill Valley Housing Element Update 9/23/21 | 6.30-8pm | Zoom
City Responses to Questions on RFQ(8/16/2021)
Mill Valley City Council Meeting | 6/21/2021 | 6.30pm. Agenda & Zoom Registration
Marin IJ 10/19/2021 Dick Spotswood "In the Big Apple, there are lessons for the Bay Area".
MarinIJ 1/9/22 "Tenants at Fairfax complex say mental services failing"
Marin Post 9/17/2021 Alternative Proposals
Marin IJ 6/22/2021 a mischaracterization of FOHP's position
Marin IJ 6/8/2021 Dick Spotswood: State, community must both do part for needed low-income housing
Marin IJ
Saturday Soapbox 9/2/2023
District elections needed for Mill Valley City Council
I was pleased to read the recently published Marin Voice commentary by Gary Batroff (“Apparent bias fuels East Mill Valley group’s housing lawsuit against city,” Aug. 22).
I found it to be an excellent essay about the debacle that the Mill Valley City Council has orchestrated regarding the affordable housing project at 1 Hamilton Drive. I have felt lied to from the beginning.
All along, the city has ignored the very real problems this location will cause.
As Batroff pointed out, all of the housing complexes designated as “affordable” in Mill Valley are east of Camino Alto, while all of the council members live to the west. That’s a problem.
It’s time to have district elections in Mill Valley, with a requirement that at least two members of the council live on the “wrong side of the tracks.”
— Joan Beavin, Mill Valley
Dick Spotswood: Certain Marin disputes are overdue for some mediation
excerpt from Marin IJ, Jan 16, 2022
• Mill Valley, like all Marin communities, struggles to build new housing to meet state mandates. The hot issue is proposed multiunit apartments on Hamilton Drive across from Hauke Park.
The city’s consultant recommends 40 units be built. The neighbors are outraged but, significantly, most of them will accept “some new housing.” When the question isn’t just yes or no but how many units, their size and affordability, mediation is the obvious route to dispute resolution.

Friends of Hauke Park
See what our elected officials are
saying about the Affordable Housing mandate.
We Agree - a minimum of 40 units is EXCESSIVE for the site adjacent to Hauke Park.
- Quotes from MarinIJ, June 2021